About Me

Hi, I’m Will. Nice to meet you!

As a coach, I partner with men and women on a journey towards self-realization with a focus on career, relationship, personal, and spiritual growth, and development. Together, we will explore your goals and dreams, fears and apprehensions, strengths, and areas of opportunity. Using thought provoking and open-ended questions, I will help you articulate your goals, push through barriers, and realize your truth’s.

As a black man with over 20 years of leadership experience and a proven track record of people development, I am particularly sensitive to the personal, professional, and leadership developmental needs of other non-majority group leaders in corporate settings as well as the challenges that minorities face with regards to opportunity equity. The playing field is not level, but together we can work to even it out by arming you with an awareness of organizational cultural bias and a strategy to overcome it.

As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, I am committed to working with both active-duty service members and other veterans in all facets of transitioning to civilian and corporate life. Additionally, the leadership and vocational skills learned during military service can give you the edge in corporate settings, however the application of skills from one career field to the other is not always a direct one. I can help make that sometimes challenging transition as smooth as possible.

If you are interested in embarking on a journey of self-exploration, enlightenment, and positive outcomes, I would love to meet you. Please call me at (619) 289-8165 or e-mail me at william@hilliarycoaching.com to schedule some time to talk.

Mission Statement

Empowering people to reconnect to their essence; the source of their brilliance, uniqueness, value, talents, and anything else that has been buried over time and needs restoration.

My Story

Hello all! My name is Will and in addition to being a life and business coach, I am also a father, a son, a brother, a divorcee, a partner, a friend, co-worker, a mentor, a mentee, a motivational speaker, and so much more. At the end of the day though, these descriptors define me simply as a partaker in life, and I am enjoying my journey! I live each day as it comes, confidently experiencing life both personally and professionally.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had many challenges and obstacles to overcome including a divorce from a 17 year marriage and the unexpected loss of a 13 year career, both of which happened within months of each other! Interestingly, during the fog of that tough time I achieved a clarity that I had never before experienced.

Through coaching and counseling of my own, I discovered three critical principles that I now live my life by: self-care, self-advocacy, and the use of failure to succeed. The application of these three principles helped change my life and got me moving in a positive, productive, happy direction.

I bring this enthusiasm and energy to my coaching business and clients. I firmly believe that if you can articulate it, you can achieve it. Doubting oneself is one of the most significant barriers standing in the way of people achieving their goals. With belief anything is possible. As a coach, I encourage belief and teach confidence. I facilitate articulation and add a sprinkling of structure, accountability, and fun to the process.

I firmly believe that the finish line isn’t what’s important. In fact, I would argue that there is no true finish line in life. Every day can be an opportunity for learning and growth. Given this, the journey is what really matters. It’s where you spend most of your time. It’s where you learn most of your lessons. The Journey is where all the fun is, and I am excited and ready to embark on that journey with you!